Mommy snuggles. This is the life.

How the heck do you wear these things to work every day?

Should I be concerned that he prefers the red lightsabres.

Gray and his cousins.

Daddy poses with Darryl Green. Come on Dad, Darryl is ten years older than you and HE'S still in shape.

72 hours of hard labor, and we've got a new hard wood floor. I'll never ever ever do this again as long as I live.

This shot courtesy of grandpa. I said that I wished I had half of his photography gene, but Steph pointed at that then I'd be half related to Lisa, so never mind..

Who cares about the kid, look at that hat. Pure beauty.

Sticking out the tongue is a sign of intense concentration and intelligence. it is also a great tool for making fart noises

Great. A few more times around and then I'm going to go throw up on Daddy.

What? They say you can drown in a teaspoon of water.

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