Yup...he's my son alright.

It's a fun night out at Baskin Robins with the whole gang. There's Gray, and Bella, and Christopher, and Peter, and..oh look... even Dieter made an appearance..

Yup...he's my son alright.

No thanks kid. Just because they put you on lowfat milk doesn't mean I've got to drink it too.

Graybill the Crocodile Hunter leads you to the next dangerous and exciting animal. Crikey, this one's a beauty!!!.

You'd think that Lisa's son would have built up a natural immunity to caffeine.

Raclette Maker? Check. Dog Food? Check. Small child? Check.

No funny comment required here..

Run Forrest, RUN!!! (This caption was placed at Stu'd request).

Yup...he's my son alright.

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