Gray does his Cowardly Lion impression.

Dad lies around in his underwear all the time. It must be the thing to do. Someone throw me a Bud.

I like this Christmas thing. I hope it happens every year.

Why can't I have any Egg Nog?.

See Dad. Now no one can see your bald spot. Better hope this diaper holds up though.

I love my Grandma.

We call this the Milk Induced Stupor.

Gray with his Godmother. Aunt Heather.

You think this will keep me quiet.....?

Well okay, maybe you're right.

This is the nice woman who gives me all the blankets. We love her.

Could you turn a bit to the right Mom? I'm trying to catch the end of "Who's Line is it Anyway?"

No....Your other right.

Practicing his tummy exercises.

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